Legacy is committed to helping young families through bereavement and providing them with new opportunities in life. At Legacy we are aware of the significant loss endured by young families living without a parent and spouse and we endeavour to compensate families for their loss by providing support through:

  • Providing relief for financial hardship
  • Advocating for entitlements
  • Helping families thrive despite their loss
  • Assisting with children’s education and development

The Beckwith Family

My husband Pete died of a brain tumour, received from radiation, at the age of 29 years.

Once the malignant tumour was diagnosed, our lives were filled with utter despair. We had one brief period of remission, but he gradually deteriorated. Of course I gave up work to nurse Pete while he died, and it was a long and torturous experience for us all. Not only did I have to cope with nursing Pete, but I also had to cope with our two small children and the confusion and despair they experienced.

The last six months were particularly bad. There was no hope for Pete, and it was all I could do to hold it together for his sake. I wept bitterly for Pete, for myself, but above all for our children, William and Ella.

To make matters worse, it has been a battle to get compensation for Pete’s death, but I am still trying, for all our sakes.

Someone referred me to Legacy and from the first time I called them they have been magnificent. Legacy took care of our desperate financial situation straight away. More than that, they gave us some stability and hope at the time we were the most vulnerable. I know Legacy will always be there for us.


Providing relief for financial hardship

Legacy’s young families often suffer from financial stress after the death of a father or mother. Legacy is able to provide financial support to achieve immediate practical solutions to the urgent and pressing needs of young families. This often includes accommodation options, domestic assistance, child care and parental support.

Government compensation is often payable for a service death which can provide relief to financial stress; however, Legacy’s support for families remains ongoing. A grieving family becomes part of the wider Legacy family, and can rely on Legacy for assistance where it is required.


Advocating for entitlements

Vulnerable families are often in need of someone to champion their cause. Legacy appoints advocates for families who can provide sound advice and enlist the support available through government departments and community and social welfare services. Advocates often have an ex-service background, and are aware and personally connected to the situation families can find themselves in after the death of a veteran.


Helping families to thrive despite their loss

While no one can replace a deceased family member, at Legacy, we strive to create an environment in which the bereaved family can thrive, despite their loss. By assembling all our resources, we can provide the advocacy, counselling, and family support necessary for families to carry on with their lives.

Legacy maintains contact with families and keeps abreast of their requirements, providing sound advice, and supporting them in their journey to build happy and productive lives. This may entail domestic assistance, urgent home maintenance and security, companionship, transport and child care.

Longer term strategies are also employed to assist family members with employment preparation, education, health, domestic matters and children’s development.

Legacy’s long term commitment strives to provide families with an element of the comfort and security they had prior to their loss.


Assisting with children's education and development

Legacy has a long history of nurturing the development of children of deceased veterans, with a special priority given to education. Legacy’s commitment to assisting with children’s education and development extends to:

  • Grants and scholarships
  • Mentorship programs for children that assist with education and life choices
  • Outward bound courses, adventure activities and holiday camps

These programs can provide parents with respite and also introduce children and families to others with a shared experience, providing support, community and opportunities for friendship.