Legacy is a unique Australian voluntary not-for-profit charity, an organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of families of our Australian Defence Force veterans who have served in war, peacekeeping, and humanitarian missions and who have sadly died or become incapacitated either during war or subsequently.
In South Australia, there are many organisations purposed with assisting serving and retired members of our defence forces. But there is only one whose sole purpose is to help the families of those who serve and served: Legacy.
Founded on a promise In 1923 Legacy made a promise to help families carry on with their lives after the loss or injury of a loved one in military service. It was a simple promise that Legacy keeps today; providing the same stability, guidance and assistance that a partner would normally provide to his or her family.
Since then, Legacy has protected the basic needs of individuals and families by; advocating for entitlements, rights, and benefits; assisting families coping with bereavement and helping people thrive despite their adversity and loss; providing care and support to the families (widows, widowers, children, and disabled dependents) of our incapacitated and deceased veterans.
Legacy provides a range of social activities and essential services and support such as education expenses and dental care for children and youth, holiday respite, home maintenance, assistance with utility bills, advice, and assistance with claiming pensions, financial counselling, legal advice, and much more.
The youth support Legacy provides is often critical and can make a real difference in the chances a young person has of a successful career and in life in general, chances which are often diminished.
Legacy helps families, not just in the short term - Legacy is there for life; currently caring for around 3,500 families throughout South Australia.
Since Federation, more than 102,000 Australian servicemen and women have paid the ultimate sacrifice in theatres of operation around the world. Many others returned wounded - either physically or emotionally - from their exposure.
Over 72,000 Australians have served overseas since 1991 with the Australian Defence Forces involvement in conflicts such as East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other areas of operational services, means that Legacy’s task of supporting young families with children will be required well into the future.
Legacy raises its own income to fund its services. Some assistance is received from the State Government; however, most of our funds are raised from generous donations, bequests, events, and appeals.
Legacy provides caring and compassionate support for the families of our deceased or incapacitated ADF Veterans. The Australian Defence Force is the military organisation responsible for the defence of Australia. It consists of the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, Royal Australian Air Force, and a number of ‘tri‑service’ units. Read more
Legacy South Australia & Broken Hills Board of Directors comprises of 7 Directors. Each Director is a Legatee and an active member of this Legacy Club. Read more
The Legacy Club of South Australia and Broken Hill is proud to acknowledge the patronage of Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia. Read more
Legacy is dedicated to caring for the families of incapacitated and deceased veterans. Legacy protects the basic needs of individuals and families; advocates for entitlements, rights and benefits of individuals and families; assists families to cope with bereavement and helps people thrive, despite their adversity and loss. Legacy provides a range of services, assistance and advice. Read more
Legacy is committed to helping young families through bereavement and providing them with new opportunities in life. We provide relief for financial hardship, advocate for entitlements, help families thrive despite their loss, and assist with children’s education and development. Read more
Legacy's history begins in the Great War of 1914-18. Legacy is a voluntary organisation supported by veterans, servicemen and women, and volunteers drawn from all walks of life. Our support and services now extend to include the dependants of members of today's Australian Defence Force who lose their lives or are incapacitated as a result of their military service. Read more
The Legacy Youth Ambassador program brings together Legacy Youth aged 16 to 25 years to promote and recognise the importance Legacy places on caring for our youth. Read more